Modernisation Perspective: A Review of Nigerian Development


  • Bukar Jamiri


Development, Modernization, Modernization Perspective, Nigeria


This article reviewed the tenets of modernisation perspective of development in the Nigerian context. Nigeria is presently bedeviled by developmentalchallenges, especially in economic aspect. To diagnose the development problem in the country, the article analysed the modernisation perspective to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in explaining the pattern of development in Nigeria and other developing countries. The paper found that the modernization theory has influencedthe Nigerian government and the populace through variousattempts by adopt the economic models recommended by the developed countries and other international institutions, including World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). There are various developmental agendas through intervention of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and international development
agencies, such as International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Department forInternational Development (DFID), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and United Kingdom Agency for International Development (UKAID) in Nigeria. Similarly, democracy is embraced as it is deemed an ideal politicalsystem. However, such policies as Structural Adjustment Programme have not yielded any positive outcome. Instead,
they brought continuous underdevelopment as poverty and unemployment rates have increased and life became unbearable to vast majority of Nigerians due cost of living. The article concluded that despite these interventions, development of Nigeria and other developing nations is possible when the leaders and the nationals are collectively committed towards this achievement. The article therefore enjoined the Nigerian leaders to complement the assistance of the foreign countries with their efforts through
developing systematic economic policies, fighting the culture of corruption, embrace technology and industrialisation in order to attain the goal of development.




How to Cite

Bukar Jamiri. (2019). Modernisation Perspective: A Review of Nigerian Development. Abuja Journal OF ECONOMICS AND ALLIED FIELDS, 10(5), 117–124. Retrieved from


