Impact of Land Registration on Business Environment and Wellbeing in Kano State using Logit Regression Analysis


  • Ahmad Muhammad Tsauni


Land Registration, Business Environment, Wellbeing, Logit


The paper ascertains the impact of land registration on business environment and wellbeing in Kano state. The data employed for the probability analysis is qualitative in nature gathered using a structured questionnaire administered to households in Tarauni as the pilot Local Government Area. A multi-stage sampling was employed where three wards in Tarauni local government were selected namely: Darmanawa, Gyadi Gyadi Kudu and Tarauni. Two major towns each were selected from the three chosen wards and data were then collected from 40 selected households from each ward making a total of 240 sampled households. The study employed a logit regression model where the endogenous variable is a dummy or categorical variable with 1 representing business environment and wellbeing are improved and 0 if otherwise.The paper found that while household size, dependency ratio andwomen ownership of land, have business environment and wellbeing decreasing effect, the male household head, education, tenure security and land market participationhave been veritable predictors for improving business environment and wellbeing. Significant percentage of the respondents was not aware of importance of Certificates of Occupancy (CofO) in getting access to credit. Although the idea was so appealing to them, but willingness to borrow indicator result shows less likelihood of the property owners to collect loans with their land certificates. The paper, in view of the impact of land registration and slow phase of the collection of (CofO) by the beneficiaries, recommends that enlightenment should be intensified.




How to Cite

Ahmad Muhammad Tsauni. (2018). Impact of Land Registration on Business Environment and Wellbeing in Kano State using Logit Regression Analysis. Abuja Journal OF ECONOMICS AND ALLIED FIELDS, 8(4), 123–129. Retrieved from


