Impact of HIV Aids on Economic Growth of Nigeria: 1990-2016`


  • Oyinlola O. Olaniyi
  • Oladele O. Aluko


Epidemic, HIV/AIDS, Economic Growth, ARDL Co-integration Test


This study analyzes the impact of HIV/AIDS on the Economic growth of Nigeria over the period of 1990 – 2016. The variables tested are Human Development Index, GDP per Capita, HIV/AIDS and Employment rate, all of which were stationary at first difference except HIV which was stationary at level. Since the Variables were not all stationary at level the ARDL co-integration test was used to determine the long-run relationship between the variables. The variables were found to be co-integrated at1% level of significance. The Regression result found out that there is a negative and significant relationship between HIV/AIDS and Human Development Index. Secondly, HIV/AIDS has a negative and significant impact on the Gross Domestic Product per capita. Finally, HIV/AIDS has a negative and significant impact on the employment level in Nigeria. Based on the empirical analysis, the recommendations of the study include: Government at all levels should intensify effort to reduce the number of new infected persons. This should include increased education and information campaign especially in the ill-informed rural areas to end the silence, stigma and indifference to HIV/AIDS. To achieve this, religious leaders, village heads, transport union etc. should as well be fully involved in the campaign owning to their influence on the people in the communities.




How to Cite

Oyinlola O. Olaniyi, & Oladele O. Aluko. (2018). Impact of HIV Aids on Economic Growth of Nigeria: 1990-2016`. Abuja Journal OF ECONOMICS AND ALLIED FIELDS, 8(4), 1–7. Retrieved from


