Socio-Economic Determinants of Consumer Preference for Traditional and Orthodox Health Services in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria


  • Jemeel Adedotun Sanni


Health Service, Consumer Preference, Complementary, Alternative Care


Given that patient’s preference for alternative care is not determined solely on the treatment courses, certain socioeconomic importance are also attached to ones preference for a particular type of cure. The study examined the determinants of consumer preferences for orthodox and traditional health care services in Ilorin metropolis. The study therefore employ revealed preference theory in order to see consumers’ choice from different health care services. Multinomial probit model was used for the regression analysis and the result shows that occupation, academic qualifications, gender, marital status, marriage type and individual’s income are responsible for health care choice. Based on the findings, this study recommends that government should find a way to harmonize the different health care services in such a way that, consumers can easily access any of them. Due recognition should be given to all, since consumers are sometimes indifferent as to which type of service to go for and also because some diseases cannot find cure in the orthodox health system, they can easily be treated using the traditional or spiritual means. Upgrading the traditional health care system is highly important because, as consumers get more educated, they tend to abandon the traditional health care for the orthodox.




How to Cite

Jemeel Adedotun Sanni. (2018). Socio-Economic Determinants of Consumer Preference for Traditional and Orthodox Health Services in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria. Abuja Journal OF ECONOMICS AND ALLIED FIELDS, 9(5), 49–57. Retrieved from


