Entrepreneurship Culture and Commercial Orientation: A Pathway to addressing Problem of Dwindling Resources Occasioned by Economic Recession in the Nigeria’s Public Service


  • Bello Ayuba
  • Mohammed Bashir


Entrepreneurship Culture, Commercial Orientation, Dwindling Resource, Economic Recession, Public Service


The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of entrepreneurship culture and commercial orientation on the dwindling resources in the Nigeria’s Public Service occasioned by economic recession in the country. As part of the methodology, both primary and secondary sources of data were utilised, while Descriptive Statistics and Regression Analysis were used to analyse the data. As part of the major finding, the study revealed that entrepreneurship culture and commercial orientation in the Nigeria’s Public Service has significant impact on the dwindling resources occasioned by economic recession as the study found out that its adoption will to a larger extent help in addressing the dwindling resources for governance and improved performance of the Nigeria’s Public Service which will go a long way in cuttingdown cost of running government, promoting transparency and accountability, as well as complimenting the anti-corruption drive of the present administration. Among the major recommendation is the need for Federal Government to adopt entrepreneurship culture and commercial orientation as an alternative to addressing the protracted problems of dwindling resources facing the Nigeria’s public service so as to serve as an antidote to inefficiency and ineffectiveness which characterised the service. The study concludes that adoption of entrepreneurship culture and commercial orientation in the Nigeria’s public service is a veritable tool which should be embraced in all facets of public life by recognising key potential business entities, units and divisions in MDA’s for its proper application to help in meeting the current and future performance expectations needs of the agencies of government so as to reposition them for effective and efficient performance.




How to Cite

Bello Ayuba, & Mohammed Bashir. (2018). Entrepreneurship Culture and Commercial Orientation: A Pathway to addressing Problem of Dwindling Resources Occasioned by Economic Recession in the Nigeria’s Public Service. Abuja Journal OF ECONOMICS AND ALLIED FIELDS, 9(5), 16–31. Retrieved from https://uniabj.com/index.php/ajeaf/article/view/23


